Bean(TM) Nuts Pinecone for C/CPP
Universal C/C++ Standard Library Framework



Fundamental Information:

Name: Pinecone
Full Name: Bean(R) Nuts Pinecone for C/CPP
Minimum C++ Version: C++11
Author: Alexander Ruida Bean [JH.W], Nuts Digital Foundation
Copyright(C) 2008 - Now Bean Nuts Digital all rights reserved.

Developer Information:

Pinecone CPP由“CLion”开发,可以由GCC、VC2014或IDE等C++编译器开发和编译。
Compiler Language: C++. (支持标准 C 的ABI)
Compiler Language Minimum Version: C++ 11
Recommended compiler: GCC, VC2014

Full Platform Support:

  1. Windows x86/x64 [Fundamental Pinecone + System API + ASM Boost]
  2. Linux x86/x64 [Fundamental Pinecone + System API + ASM Boost]
  3. x86 / ARM [Fundamental Pinecone + ASM Boost]
  4. SCM System: [Fundamental ANSI Pinecone] [ARM SCM + ASM Boost]
  5. Other platform which can support [X86 / ARM / CPP Compiler / C Compiler]

Detailed introduction

Pinecone CPP 是 CPP下的通用开发框架和第三方运营支持库。作为CPP语言环境的框架,它旨在简化企业应用程序开发、基础计算机软件开发(编程语言、数据库系统、嵌入式软件等)以及通用应用软件开发甚至WEB开发。目的是使C/C++开发更加人性化,缩短开发周期,使C++既具有底层开发的性能,又具有其他高级语言的可用性。

该框架可以作为CPP STL的补充,提供许多新的容器、算法和模板库。该框架类似于JDK,但更丝滑,并提供了大量的运算符重载API,使开发人员更友好、更快速地使用。



Wrapper Type

  1. Int16 [short]
  2. Int32 [int]
  3. Int64 [long long]
  4. Float32 [float]
  5. Float64 [double]
  6. Char8
  7. Byte
  8. Boolean

Container & Data Structure


  1. Array (Dynamic Array Standard C++ Stock Array Wrapper Type)
  2. ArrayList (Dynamic Array)
  3. Linked List
  4. Red Black Tree
  5. AVL Tree
  6. B / B+ Tree
  7. etc.

Universal Advance:

  1. Dictron (Super Array) [Automatic smart data type supported a lot of data structure mix operate]
  2. Dictionary (Atom Fairy) [Support Any C/CPP Data Type]
  3. Linked / TreeMap / Set
  4. Linked / HashMap / Set
  5. Set
  6. etc.

Runtime Environment & Utils


  1. ASM Boost Lib [ASM Instructions Optimization]
  2. Dynamic Link Library (External Library Including lots of functions)
  3. Operating System Boost Lib
  4. Data Base Operation Lib [Access, MySQL, SQLite, etc.]
  5. Socket And Network Lib [Including Socket, HTTP, etc.]
  6. CGI, FastCGI, Servlet Lib
  7. Multithread Lib
  8. Data Analysis Lib (System Lib)
  9. Memory Management Lib
  10. System API Packing Lib


  1. Big Number / Big Integer & Decimal
  2. Big Number Math
  3. Extend Class Lib (Reflect, Root Class, etc.)
  4. String & Text Operator
  5. Hash Lib
  6. Encrypt Lib
  7. DML ( Bean Nuts(R) Almond Dragon Mark-up Language )
  8. JSON / JSON 5
  9. CSS
  10. HTTP Parser
  11. DOM / HTML / XML
  12. Charset Lib
  13. JUC in C, AQS、SpinLock、etc.
  14. etc.
Author:undefined  Create time:2023-07-29 16:18
Last editor:undefined  Update time:2023-07-29 19:23